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Teach yoga online

Join in my live streamed classes…

I wanted to let you know that I am continuing to teach yoga online. So what have I done to make it safe to attend online classes?

I’m really enjoying seeing everyone again. The classes are live streamed using Zoom. So you can see me. I can see you and I can give advice on how to get the most out of the class from the comfort and safety of your own home.

Safety of online classes

I wanted to assure you of the measures that I have put in place to ensure your privacy and security when you access my classes. As they might be from my kitchen, but I also think of the safety of my students and clients.

Recommended practise for teaching online:

I have put in place the recommended practise for teaching children and vulnerable people online. In order to join one of my classes you have to register and provide a password to enter the class. Upon entry you are placed in a waiting room and cannot enter the class without me (the host) giving you access. Therefore only pre-approved students can attend the class.

I also ask that attendees keep their microphone off so that their image does not appear for everyone (but keep videos on so that I can advise on the correct positions to be in to practise yoga and baby massage). Furthermore I watch the video back and edit any where that someone might accidentally appear. I then edit that out. 

Social Posting

When posting videos to YouTube or Facebook I ensure that only I, the teacher can be seen in the video. That way you can watch the class again while knowing that you have full privacy. 

Hopefully that makes you comfortable to know that as always I act with the intention of complete integrity. Please contact me with any questions.

So if you want to join my classes here are the details:

Fun Kids Class Tuesday 10.30AM

Suits children age 3 to 7. (Parents welcome to join in too!)
Lively class with lots of movement and games. We enjoy a relaxation at the end to calm down and get time inside.
There are different packages available:
Single Class Passes 
Class Pack of 5 classes
Class Pack of 10 classes

Book Here

Calming Kids Yoga Class Wednesday 8pm

Suits children age 8 to 13
Calm and relaxing class with focus on breath work, spending time inside.
Starts with breath work, then a themed class of hatha yoga and we finish with 10 to 15 minutes of guided meditation to relax and de stress.
The cost per class is per household so if you want to get the family to do the class then that’s great.
There are different packages available:
Single Class Passes 
Class Pack of 5 classes
Class Pack of 10 classes

Book here

Podcast for kids – meditations from my classes…

I have recorded a podcast for children with lots of guided meditations.
You can listen where-ever you normally listen to your podcasts. But here is a link:


Pregnancy Yoga online 

Prenatal yoga is a great way to prepare your body and mind for birth and motherhood. 
My class focuses on breath work to use to focus the mind and relax, strengthening the body for birth, tips for exercise in pregnancy and birth, guided meditation to connect with yourself and your growing baby.

Book Here

YouTube Channel

Tips online for pregnant women. I’ve recorded videos … from my yoga kitchen!! As I say … nothing fancy but certainly useful.
If you subscribe you’ll be notified when I upload a new video.

Click here

Baby Massage Online Classes

A new online course will be available from the 7th May.

Online Five week Baby Massage Course includes baby massage instruction with handout that has all the massage strokes all from the comfort of your own home.

Baby Massage can aid digestion, help to establish a sleep pattern and assist in alleviating symptoms of colic and constipation.

Book Now

All my classes can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home. They are supportive and informative classes. I provide additional support offline to whomever needs it.

So please join me. In my yoga / baby massage kitchen 🙂

Together we can keep going and maybe learn something new.



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