Sometimes when you are a new parent you get caught…
Baby Massage Online classes
Just after one of my recent baby massage online classes I took some time to chat to camera about baby massage classes.
I love teaching baby massage because I understand how crazy becoming a new mum can be.
I’ve been a new Mum four times.’ Ciara Kelly said on her lunchtime radio slot. I couldn’t agree with that statement more. It’s spot on. And seldom does anyone voice that.
Each time you have a child it’s a new experience.
You are a different Mum each time.
There are different challenges to meet each time.
The overwhelming realisation of becoming a mother for the first time and all that it entails.
The juggling another child’s needs as you grow your family.
Not to mention how different you can feel after birth.
Motherhood is amazing but also mundane and repetitive.
It’s awe inspiring and crap all at the same time.
We measure everything in our society. At work tasks are measured. With a baby weight is measured, growth, milestones… and then there’s sleep and the schedule!
And there’s an expert for everything.
If that wasn’t enough pressure to be under there is a social media version of how a mother should appear.
Many women have their children later in life. I had my daughter at 42.
At this stage of your life you are used to managing life and being an expert in your field and having control of your life.
Enter the most precious control disrupter ever 👶🏼… 💣💥🧨💥…. game over!
It’s really difficult to change from a woman who had a schedule and was independent to a woman who has to just roll with whatever the day brings…
So say after me….
I am a great Mum 💕
I am doing my best 🌸
It’s ok to ask for help 💟
I know my child best 🌸
You’ve got this Mamma. Believe in yourself. If you need extra support ask for help.
Baby massage online classes can be a great way to connect with other Mums and to bond with baby. Have a watch of my video below and see what you think…
For more information about my classes visit: